



Progress made mainly in geography and modestly in math and English. I’m almost past quadratic function though there’s no intention to work on advanced questions. I prioritize the basic and the faster but steady pacing to cover overall.
As to geography it’s more practical and fruitful while dealing with questions on a workbook aimed for the common university entrance exam. The workbook also has the sections including important terms and descriptions about them, which helps me tackle the questions (It’s virtually impossible to solve them without any knowledge from those sections in advance). Every bit of effort counts.
And Suken, the famous exam for math, is listed on my target list. To achieve it, I need to go back to the units of the junior high. I’m not gonna dare to go beyond the reality. I’m gonna start with Grade 3 first. Apart from the matter of difficulty, it makes perfect sense to conquer it because it’s highly likely for me to teach junior high students in the future.
I’m one of those who embraces the joy of achievement. And I don’t wanna ignore the process either. So that’s it. That’s how my life goes on.
All right, another piece of a chronicle has just been made here.
Good bye, and good luck!!


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