So what’s been up to me?? Hmm….hard to figure out where to start. The fact is, I haven’t been doing well enough to make posts for this blog, feeling almost frightened by this formidable task. Well, at least that’s what I thought when I thought of tackling this blog.
The first day of May is the fresh start to sever the vicious circle in which I’ve been trapped and brutally smashed into just a sobbing cotton ball. But let me tell you one important thing : you can get up whenever you fall down.
The true failure comes from giving up for good. As long as life goes on, you need to get up and keep moving. I myself have earned the lesson with pain. Actually at some points I saw no sigh of hope and was almost beaten to death. Thankfully I’m here writing this post now.
No one lives an eternal happy life 24/7. You’re not alone.
I hope my words will mean even the slightest of the positive side.
Good luck.