I ended up taking a few days off for reviewing posts. Shame on me. But you can start over whenever you want. Every day can be a fresh start.
So how have I been recently?? I feel I’ve been making a lot of excuses on a daily basis. Fortunately or unfortunately, we humans are geniuses of making excuses. The universal trait is written into our DNA, to protect us from overwork and also to ease negative feelings that otherwise beat us into pieces.
While making excuses should be acceptable to some extent, I don’t think it’s cool to go for that direction all the time. Plus if you keep deceiving yourself too often, it will be one of your habits, and your life will be more difficult in the long term.
To be a more attractive person, I wanna decrease the number of excuses as much as possible. It’s hard to lower it to zero, but as long as I try, I’ll be able to make a difference.
That sucks if your days get hampered by your excuses. I hope you have less excuses after reading this article.
Good luck, be the legend.