まだ風邪気味なのですが、軽くランニングに行ってきました。明日はダンススクールの日ですが、見学にするかレッスンを受けるかその時のコンディションで決めようと思います。今日はダンス用のシューズを購入し、また注文していたNEW ERAのキャップも届きました。う~ん、良い感じです。
I still have a lingering cold with my nose running. That sucks, but it’s not like I’m doomed at all. Just a cold, though it deteriorates the quality of life. Don’t sweat the small stuff, anyway.
I feel my English has been getting rusty these days. Maybe it’s just my imagination, but I think it’s about time to refine it because it is my solid weapon to survive my life as well as to enhance my self-esteem, frankly speaking.
I have a dance lesson tomorrow. I’m still deciding whether I should attend the lesson or not, considering my current condition. Well, I will see the answer tomorrow night, anyway.
All right, time to call it a day. Good luck, and good bye.