Time to make another post in front of me. I don’t want to stop the momentum of having sent a post every day so far. This is my routine, and my asset, and hopefully yours, too.
How many English words do you have in your head?? Learning words is essential when you want to improve your English overall. Poor vocabulary indicates poor English, especially in reading. It is the first priority that you focus on enhancing your vocabulary.
So how do we tackle it?? I recommend you to learn words in articles, or at least in sentences, because there are some persuasive and concrete benefit in doing it. Why?? Because, in the context, not only can you take a grasp on the meaning of the words, but you can also learn how they are practically used, which is very important when it comes to learning a language. Even more, your reading ability will also get better.
Don’t let your lack of vocabulary be an impediment of studying. As I always say, glory is a collection of tiny actions.
See you, and good night.